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Since early March, the South and North Carolina Chamber of Commerce has worked closely with nearly 20 associations in five cities in North and South Carolina to donate masks to support front-line medical personnel and vulnerable groups affected by the epidemic. A total of 269 donations were received from institutions and individuals, totaling $49,750, as well as a large donation of PPEs (Personal Protective Equipments). According to the current incomplete statistics, a total of 32517 N95 and medical masks, 500 goggles, 1500 masks and 581 protective clothing have been raised and donated in 16 batches to 10 areas in South and North Carolina, more than 60 hospitals, clinics and other first-line medical institutions. At the same time, it is also donated to a number of elderly centers, express companies, post offices, farmers’ markets, Food Pantry and other industries of high-risk groups. Nearly 100 volunteers participated in donations from all over the world. Their donations are valued at nearly US $100,000.
