The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the Asian American News Network or its affiliates. This article was reposted with permission from the American Coalition for Equality. For more information about ACE, please see the description below.

The California State Assembly is attempting to pass a bill called ACA-5 titled Government preferences in order to repeal Prop 209. Prop 209 (also known as the California Civil Rights Initiative or CCRI) is a California ballot proposition approved by voters in 1996 to prohibit state governmental institutions from considering race, sex, or ethnicity, specifically in the areas of public employment, public contracting, and public education. Once repealed, minorities, particularly Asian Americans would be subject to government discrimination without this key protection from state constitution. Without the restraint of Prop 209, the government would have a blank check to discriminate against Asian Americans or any groups of its choice, depriving individual liberty and equal opportunity without legal consequences.

Just last year in Washington State, American Coalition for Equality (ACE) battled against I-1000 since day one, filed Referendum 88, and successfully defeated I-1000 by winning the electionI-200 was thus reaffirmed by the citizens of Washington. I-200 is Washington State’s version of Prop 209, approved by voters in 1998. Both Prop 209 and I-200 are civil rights initiatives championed by famous civil rights activist Mr. Ward Connerly in the 1990s. As a Regent of the University of California, Mr. Ward Connerly saw firsthand how Asian Americans had been discriminated against in the public education system. Born and raised in the segregated south, Mr. Ward Connerly understood exactly how it felt to be at the receiving end of government discrimination, knowing full well that “if you are not treated equally, freedom is rather hollow”. From that point on, braving all types of bigotry and name calling, Mr. Ward Connerly endeavored to battle for the principle of equal opportunity for all. Last year, at 80 years old, Mr. Ward Connerly once again joined our Let People Vote – Reject Referendum 88 campaign and provided us with crucial advice and support. Dear friends, we all share the responsibility of preventing the government from encroaching upon our right of freedom and equality, and thus, we must take action to defend Prop 209. Particularly, if you supported our fight to defend I-200 in Washington State last year, our friends in California need the same support from you now!

If you live in California, please call and email your legislators to simply tell them that you oppose ACA-5 and urge them to vote NO on it. Also please don’t forget to tell your friends and neighbors to do the same. If you live outside California, please tell your friends and families in California that ACA-5 would drastically reduce their chance of getting college admissions, jobs and contract awards. This is the 21st century version of the Chinese Exclusion Act. In addition to California and Washington, there are a growing number of states with similar civil rights laws protecting individuals from being discriminated against by the state, including Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Florida and Idaho. American Coalition for Equality (ACE) urges everyone to join the fight to defend Prop 209!

ACA-5 is now in the Assembly’s Appropriation Committee and a vote is due on June 2nd in that committee. More detail is available at

The Silicon Valley Chinese Association (SVCA) and San Diego Asian Americans For Equality (SDAAFE) both supported our ACE fight against I-1000 last year in Washington State since the early stages, and are now behind the effort opposing ACA-5 . Let’s join our friends in California and defend Prop 209 !

I-200 PAC is a registered PAC at Washington State in order to keep I-200 intact. Please donate to I-200 PAC, direct donation link . Limited to US resident or citizens only.

ACE is a nonprofit organization fighting for the principle of equal opportunity for all. 

This article was written by